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Login in the first step (or option for guest access)#1521


I’ve been testing the Amelia booking system since last year. Most of the users always forget the first name and last name they registered with (in Malaysia, we don’t use first names and last names, we prefer full name). Most of them get stuck on the information page because they can’t move on if their first name and last name don’t match the email address they registered with. All mobile users spend a lot of time logging in to their customer panel to see the first name and last name.

I think that the login step should come first, before getting into the booking system, so that no one has to waste time entering/checking their contact information to avoid rebooking.

If the Amelia login could also be used for WooCommerce, users wouldn’t have to log in twice. Most of them confuse the Amelia login and the WooCommerce login because they read the WooCommerce login email first. Some of them have more than one WooCommerce login, which would make the booking go to a different order owner.

So, because this simple step was left out, most of my clients have switched to other booking systems that are easier for their customers to use, especially when they are making payment on woocommerce checkout.

a year ago

I totally agree with you. I have been using Ameila for 2 months and I have noticed that there should be sign up first step when they want to sign up for a package. It gets really very difficult and complex when customers have to set up password for their account through an email link. Most of clients told me that they normally forget password after a while so it will be best if you can add first step to sign up for the packages and password remember option on login page. Most of customers are very disappointed and they always ask me to add signing up option as first step.

a year ago

I am also attaching a screenshot

a year ago